CLERK: Mr. G McGill. Correspondence to 4 Leconfield, Seamer, Stokesley,
Middlesbrough, TS9 5PP. Tel. 01642 710451.

Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Public notice of the meeting has not been given in accordance with Schedule 12, paragraph 10 (2) of the Local
Government Act 1972, but Councillors requested that the meeting take place nevertheless. This was due to
an oversight by the new Parish Clerk who apologised and advised that he had been particularly busy at work
and that if anyone else wished to undertake the Clerk job instead, this would be considered by Councillors.
Councillor Philip Taylor, Councillor James Bainbridge.

    District Councillor Bridget Fortune, County Councillor Bryn Griffiths, Councillors Mark Murphy (Acting Chairman),
    Maureen Marshall, Paul Chapman, Parish Clerk Glenn McGill. Three members of the community were also in
    The minutes of the meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday 16 September 2021 were confirmed as a
    true record.
    Open Forum
    The matter of planning application 21/01847/MRC -variation of condition attached to application Ref No.
    76/0609/FUL at Tanton Road – O.S. Field 0005 Tanton Raod, Seamer, for Construction of an Agricultural Storage
    Building on Land and Buildings at Tanton Farm was raised, following a previous response by the Parish Council on
    14/09/21. The application had not yet been determined, but concern was raised about reports of smell. A member
    of the public advised that there had been digestate spreading which likely accounted for this.
    The matter of the new North Yorkshire County Council would be discussed at future meetings as a bespoke agenda
    item, but meanwhile, Councillor Griffiths would circulate the latest information. Action: It was agreed that this
    matter would be be the subject of future regular agenda items.
    The matter of flooding at Tame Bridge was reportedly getting worse annually. Action: Councillor Paul Chapman to
    follow this up with the Environment Agency, who had let the previous request for action slip, in view of blockages
    in the River Tame.
    The light next to the highway at the Travellers site was particularly bright and a danger to motorists. Action: County
    Councillor Bryn Griffiths would ask County Highways to investigate.
    Ann Thomas has applied for a sum of £120 for childrens workshop events on 4th December and a cheque was issued
    following formal grant by Councillors at the meeting, who thanked Ann for her efforts.
    (Hand): 21/02277/FUL – Application to replace existing wooden Church gates with metal gates, using existing stone
    gate posts. St Martins Church Hilton Road Seamer. Councillor Murphy responded to the Council before the
    consultation deadline of 19th November.
    (Nicols): 21/01847/MRC – Variation of conditions attached to application Ref No. 76/0609/FUL – O.S. Field 0005
    (PT) – Tanton Road, Seamer for Construction of an Agricultural Storage Building on land and buildings at Tanton
    Farm Seamer (response made 14/09/21). OBJECTION
    (Zachary Keightley-Smith) Ref: 21/02397/FUL – Application for construction of a 2 storey rear extension at
    Pheasant House Seamer, TS9 5LL – Approved. Councillor Murphy responded to the the Council prior to the deadline
    of 5th November.
    (Foster) Ref: 21/02072/FUL – Application for the approval of the construction of 2 storey side extension, 2 storey extension with a
    Portico to the front elevation and single storey extension to the rear at Lipperbruch, Tame Bridge. Approved 10th November.
    a) Pig Farm VOC Application – outlined above and noted that a robust response had been sent to the Council
    highlighting Parish Council concerns and objections, yet no decision had been made by the Council.
    b) Village maintenance –i) Litter – it was noted that litter around the village and in verges thrown from passing
    cars was sometimes a problem, but that it was difficult to tackle. All that might be possible would be for it to be
    reported to the County Council in circumstances where the problem was significant enough. County Councillor
    Bryn Griffiths would contact County Highways in such circumstances. ii) Highway Maintenance – A member of the
    public reported that the pavements in Seamer were in poor condition. Action: It was agreed that Councillor Murphy
    and Parisgh Clerk Glenn McGill would conduct an audit and report findings back to the next meeting.
    c) Village Pond – Gill Burton had previously given a quote which was accepted, at a cost of £200 and the Parish
    Clerk had received a message from Gill to explain she would contact Councillor James Bainbridge for help to clear
    debris, sort and split lillies, treat the water with a winter treatment, followed by a repeat treatment in Spring 2022.
    d) Village Hall – Councillor Mark Murphy mentioned that as well as the roof repair, the boiler had been serviced
    and no issues had been reported since. Numbers for the forthcoming quiz were down slightly, but still good. There
    will be no carol service this year as jo Batey is away, but the childrens light parade would take place in the village
    on 12th December. An exterior light needed replacement. Action: Councillor Mark Murphy. There had also been
    successful charity events for cystic fibrosis/MacMillan/Royal British Legion.
    e) VAS Update – This was being attended to by Councillor Philip Taylor, who distributed relevant correspondence
    after the meeting. A brief discussion took place about the signs and the fact they had to be moved periodically
    (every six weeks) due to highway legislation. Questions were raised about a permanent sign, but monies for this
    from NYCC would be difficult to secure. Action: County Councillor Bryn Griffiths to investigate and report findings
    to the next meeting.
    f) Community Speed Watch – A report had been provided by Phil Hyman to the Parish Council Clerk detailing the
    watches x40, checking 9,100 vehicles and reporting 870 for speeding, an average of c. 10%, with one vehicle
    recorded at 69mph reported to the police, yet no prosecution could be made. The team comprises 9 villagers. At
    the meeting, it was reported that the only place Speedwatch could be undertaken was at the top of the hill despite
    queries for it to take place in other locations in the village.
    g) Seamer Parish Council Membership: – Jayne Kendall was in attendance as a member of the public and she had
    expressed an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor. This following an advert in ‘The Grapevine’ and formal
    notices. Action: The Parish Clerk was requested to investigate and pursue the formal process with Hambleton
    District Council so that Jayne Kendall could become aParish Councillor.
    h) Bank Account and Finance – Action: This was being applied for with Councillor Maureeen Marshall and Glenn
    McGill (Parish Clerk) to become signatories. It would be sorted before the next meeting.
    i) Seamer Parish Community Fund: – A discussion took place about the dearth of bus services and associated
    funding, but this couldn’t logically be funded by the community fund. An idea was to ask for volunteer drivers to
    help residents in need, but Covid is still a problem at present. Couty Councillor Bryn Griffiths mentioned an Uber
    trial in the County at present. A number was also available for those who might wish to book the Community Care
    bus service. Action: Councillor Mark Murphy and Parish Clerk Glenn McGill would investigate potential for a safe
    route for pedestrains/cyclist over Seamer Hill and report to the next meeting.
    j) Police Report: – A report was provided bty The Police and there were three crimes of which one was drugs related
    and the other tow not deemed relevant.
    k) Tree Planting: – Vic Brown had been invited and he provided an interesting report about his tree planting
    initiative on sites around the Parish. 150 trees had been planted on Councillor James Bainbridge’s land. Action: Vic
    would contact other farmer in Parish to ascertain interest in further sites as well as smaller potential areas in
    various locations in the Parish and advise the next meeting.
    d) Seamer Parish Community Fund: It was suggested that the Pond treatment (£200) might be funded by the
    Community Fund. It was uncertain at this stage who would make the application.
    White Rose weekly updates NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin HDC regular updates
    Community First rural news NYCC Chief Executive weekly bulletin YLCA advice
    Citizens Advice NYCC Richmond (Yorks) Area Constituency Committee
    Letter about defibrillators; Letter about Home Efficiency Energy Grants; Letter from Citizen’s Advice Community
    No new income reported during the period.
    P Wood £400 (grass cutting and strimming in September & October).
    S Burton Community Gardner £322.84.
    A Thomas £120 Childrens Events.
    Note that cheques were written as banking details need to be amended.
    FORTHCOMING MEETING DATES Next meeting is on January 18th, 2022 March 15th, 2022; May17th, 2022
    (also Parish APM); July 19th, 2022.
    (All meetings have a 7pm start time)
Minutes of Seamer Parish Council Meeting November 2021

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