Welcome to the Annual Report for 2014/15.
Although strictly not within the time frame for this report I must mark the passing of Kenneth (Ken) Wood at the beginning of May. Ken as a lifelong resident of Seamer regularly attended meetings often to suggest things we should try to do, to keep us informed of developments in the village that we might not have heard about and make sure we did nothing too controversial to ‘his’ village. I found his vast knowledge of people and places in the locality not only of great interest but helpful in my role on the Parish Council. I would like to pass on our sincere condolences to his family at this difficult time.
Parish Council developments have for another year been rather peaceful and rather uncontroversial – long may it last, but we cannot take it for granted because we never know what is about to be thrust upon us.
Changes to the national Planning Laws have so far been low key for the parish. Hambleton District Council have produced a new Local Development Framework which takes account of the new national guidelines. At some stage in the near future we will be faced with development applications and I would hope that we will be able to influence any decisions the planners recommend, for the best interest of the village.
During the year we lost a long established business in the village. Grahams, the Blacksmiths had been a familiar sight in the village, in one form or another, for over a century and has been greatly missed by local farmers and businesses. We
shall await developments but feel this site for future vi llage industry and jobs will be lost for ever.
Speeding through the village continues to be an issue for residents but I am pleased to say that in conjunction with the Richmondshire and Hambleton Road Safety Partnership the police continue doing speed checks through the village,
perhaps not frequently enough, though. The village is looking much more attractive with the flower tubs kindly provided and stocked by Arnold and Kath Cook of Springwell Nursery to whom I offer our thanks. The Parish Council are taking a bigger role in maintaining the tubs from now on and my thanks to Cllr Pattison for his help in this matter.
The contractor, Philip Wood has done a good job in keeping our greens and verges looking neat and tidy and his efforts have been much appreciated by the villagers. He has also made an extremely good job of renewing the hand rail by
the Kings Head and the fence on Leconfield. I always feel a local contractor doing this work will take more pride in the task.
The bank on Stainton Road seeded with grass and wild flowers and the first flowerings seem to show this has been successful. Tree lopping and removal of unsightly vegetation was also carried out during the Spring. We will continue to try and ensure the village remains a pleasing and attractive place to live and any developments remain in keeping with a village environment.
May I thank my fellow Parish Councillors for their time, work and interest they give to issues in the Seamer and Tame Bridge and also for the support, advice and interest shown by our three District Councillors and County Council
representatives. Thanks also to Mrs Taylor our Parish Clerk for the work needed to ensure the Parish Council functions efficiently.
Philip R Taylor(Chairman)