CLERK: Mr. G McGill. Correspondence to 4 Leconfield, Seamer, Stokesley,
Middlesbrough, TS9 5PP. Tel. 01642 710451.

Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, paragraph 10 (2) of the Local
Government Act 1972, but Councillors requested that the meeting take place nevertheless.
District Councillor Bridget Fortune,

    County Councillor Bryn Griffiths, Councillors Mark Murphy (Acting Chairman), Maureen Marshall, Paul Chapman,
    James Bainbridge, Parish Clerk Glenn McGill. One member of the community and a police representative, Maisie
    Daniels were also in attendance.
    The minutes of the meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday 16 November 2021 were confirmed as a
    true record.
    Open Forum
    Police Report: This item on the agenda was addressed at the beginning of the meeting to allow the officer to depart
    directly afterwards. Report stated 1 anti-social behaviour incident; 2 instances of criminal damage; 2 incidents of
    violence against the person; 2 other crimes, including drugs, making a total of 7 reported crimes. A wider discussion
    took place on matters of increased police visibility locally by way of more visits; more speed recording sessions
    with speed gun in Seamer and Tame Bridge; and rural crime (Whatsapp group exists) and Councillor Kendall can
    assist the Police in that regard;
    Travellers Site (Hillcrest) – The Clerk had been in touch with Gary Brown from HDC, who had arranged for Horton
    Housing Association to tidy up accumulated waste. The Clerk thanks County Councillor Bryn Griffiths for his actions
    to replace the overly bright light at the site, which had been a highway safety concern.
    Councillor Contact Details – The Clerk had been approached to secure individual details for Councillors by YLCA. A
    form had been issued. Action: Clerk to secure individual details and pass them back to YLCA.
    Clerk Training – County Councillor Griffiths suggested the Clerk should attend a Training Course. The Clerk agreed to
    consider oit. Action: Clerk
    (Hand): 21/02277/FUL – Application to replace existing wooden Church gates with metal gates, using existing stone
    gate posts. St Martins Church Hilton Road Seamer. Approved.
    (Nicols): 21/01847/MRC – Variation of conditions attached to application Ref No. 76/0609/FUL – O.S. Field 0005
    (PT) – Tanton Road, Seamer for Construction of an Agricultural Storage Building on land and buildings at Tanton
    Farm Seamer (response made 14/09/21). The PC had objected to this and the application to facilitate a pig farm
    has now been refused.
    a) Seamer Parish Council membership (New Councillor) – Jayne kendall was duly elected as a new Parish Councillor
    to replace the vacancy created by the resignation of Philip Taylor: Action: Parish Clerk to process returned details.
    b) Financial Update and banking Matters – Councillor Maureen Marshall advised that electronic banking details
    would soon be available after several months of discourse with the bank. Councillor Marshall and the Clerk were
    authorised signatories, but others should be added, when there was availability issues. Action: Councillor Marshall.
    The Clerk gave details of finances in all three accounts. It was agreed that both current accounts should be
    combined. Action: Councillor Marshall & Clerk. Bills had been paid for
    c) Parish Council Precept – It was agreed that the precept should be set to include an element for inflation. Action:
    Clerk to report a figure of £ 5,225 to the District Council. This was a rise of 4.5% over last year.
    d) Village maintenance – (i) Highways and Footpaths Councillor Murphy and the Clerk had surveyed the footpaths
    around the village and reported that their condition was generally not bad enough to report specific matters to
    the County Council as Highway Authority. (ii) PROW’s the Clerk had reported a missing gate on a Right of Way near
    Seamer Hill to the County Council. (iii) Litter – Noted that the Clerk had received notification from a resident about
    litter picking from Phil Hyman (also involved in Community Speedwatch). It was agreed to issue an invite to the
    said individual the next PC meeting. Action: Clerk to issue invite as directed.
    e) Village Pond – At the last meeting Gill Burton had previously given a quote which was accepted, but not pursued.
    With this in mind, the Clerk had asked an Ecology Consultant for a fee to produce a management plan which would
    be circulated when available. Action: Clerk to pursue which has since been done and a letter of appointment given
    to OS Ecology at a discounted sum of £290 plus VAT. Planning can take place once the Council is aware of
    recommendations of the Management Plan.
    f) Local Government Reorganisation – County Councillor Bryn Griffiths reported that, following consideration by
    the appointed Working Group, it was expected there would be c.89 -90 Councillors representing larger wards than
    at present when the new Council is formed in 2023. Hutton Rudby ward would include Osmotherley and extend
    towards north Northallerton, whereas Stokesley would stand alone, although the Boundary Commission had the
    ultimate say however on details agreed in principle. Mayoral elections were scheduled for 2024 to include the City
    of York, with powers to bid for capital schemes and delegated authority for decision making by towns/area
    committees, including business and local area representatives, with decisions made on a case by case basis.
    g) Village Hall Committee – Councillor Mark Murphy reported that constitutional reform was still proposed, but
    had been delayed, inter alia, by Covid restrictions. More repairs had been action to address storm damage. The
    exterior light still needs to be fixed. Action: Councillor Murphy. For the Queens jubilee, an event would be discussed
    with games and activities. Action: Councillor Murphy.
    h) VAS Update – The Clerk had been in touch with Andy Wilde who advised that this was a joint venture between
    three PC’s following a bid to the Police and Crime Commissioner and individual PC support. The mountings for 2
    signs in Seamer had been put in place. Action: Councillors asked the Clerk to invite Mr. Wilde and his colleague to
    the next PC meeting. County Councillor Griffiths mentioned that Stokesley had done work on this and that Julie
    McLuckie , Clerk for Stokesley Town Council was the person to contact.
    i) Community Speed Watch – YCLA had reported that there is now a website ‘Request Advice’ where Clerks can
    log enquiries for formal advice. The County Council Executive turned down a proposal to adopt a default 20mph
    speed limit and opted instead for a targeted 20mph policy. Figures from Phil Hyman were: watches atrrted April
    2021 after Covid restrictions. 46 speedwatches carried out since. 10,081 vehciles and 957 speeders reported.
    Volunteer numbers static -need new volunteers. Phil Hyman to be invited to next meeting regarding Speedwatch
    and Litter. Action: Clerk.
    i) Seamer Parish Community Fund: – Apart from the pond, addressed above, the Clek explained he had approached
    an engineering consultancy for a fee to determine the feasibility of a safe route over the brow of Seamer Hill which
    would be reported to the next meeting. Other ideas discussed were a shelter for children for the school bus (like
    the one at Potto); footpath near Cooks; plastic mesh to protect parking on grass at Village Hall; and possible match
    funding from local businesses once schemes had been identified ,costed and agreed in principle.
    k) Tree Planting: – Vic Brown, who had attended the previous PC meeting advised that Councillor Bainbridge had
    kindly prepared the land for him to plant. In addition, Mr Nichols of Seamer Farm is planting wildflowers in his
    field en route to Stokesley, as well as hedges and trees. More planting had been organised at Greystones Farm.
    Clerk had received a letter on funding from Plantscape which Clerk would forward to Vic Brown. Action: Clerk.
    White Rose weekly updates NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin HDC regular updates
    Community First rural news NYCC Chief Executive weekly bulletin YLCA advice
    NYCC Richmond (Yorks) Area Constituency Committee
    No new income reported during the period. Annual accounts will provide figures once electronic banking is sorted.
    The following expenditure was settled:
    Wave – Water rate Bill £13-09
    Clerks Expenses £150-00
    NYCC – 3 Highway Salt Bin Refills £270-00
    Note that cheques were written as banking details are still being finalised.
    8 FORTHCOMING MEETING DATES Next meeting is on 2022 March 15th, 2022; May 17th, 2022 (also
    Parish APM); July 19th, 2022; October 18th 2022.
    (All meetings have a 7pm start time)
Minutes of Seamer Parish Council Meeting January 18th 2022

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