CLERK: Mr. G McGill. Correspondence to 4 Leconfield, Seamer, Stokesley,
Middlesbrough, TS9 5PP. Tel. 01642 710451.

Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, paragraph 10 (2) of the Local
Government Act 1972, but Councillors requested that the meeting take place nevertheless.
District Councillor Bridget Fortune (given at meeting by County Councillor Griffiths).

    County Councillor Bryn Griffiths, Councillors Maureen Marshall, (Acting Chair), Mark Murphy, Paul Chapman, Jayne Kendall, Parish Clerk Glenn McGill, Nicky Dunn police representative,Mr and Mrs Hyman, Andrew Wilde (Potto PC) Mike Orr (Crathorne PC) and Jane McGill.
    The minutes of the meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday 18 January 2022 were confirmed as a true record.
    It was decided to follow the agenda but take the police item first (item 5j below) to allow the officer in attendance to depart after related discussion.
    Planning Applications:
    ( R. Jackson) 22/00179/FUL) Single storey porch and study extension to front – Sandeel Rise, Stainton Road, Seamer Approved 09/03/22. Noted that the Parish Council hadn’t been formally consulted on this application prior to
    (Z. Keightley-Smith): 22/00186/FUL – Construction of a 2 storey extension – Pheasant House, Seamer TS9 5LL – No objections.
    5a) Seamer Parish Council Membership: Noted that elections were in May and that parish Councillors had to formally apply to be re-elected. The Clerk had been to an online briefing with the Council and had to organise, inter alia, for completed application forms to be returned to the Council offices. Councillor Paul Chapman tendered his resignation and was thanked for his valuable service. Councillor Maureen Marshall had suggested that the Clerk, Glenn McGill, apply to be a Parish Councillor and vacate the Clerk job once a successor had been found following an advert in The Grapevine, which was agreed. All other existing Parish Councillors were requested to complete circulated forms within a week so that the Clerk could check and return them. Action: Clerk.
    5b) Financial Update and Banking Matters. Finally the Parish Council is now registered for electronic banking after six months of trying to deal with NatWest Bank. Payment had now been made by the Clerk and Councillor Maureen Marshall using this method. It will be necessary to combine both current accounts. Noted that the Community Fund should be used for capital payments and community contributions.
    5c) Annual Audit: The Clerk had called to meet Lesley Hadfield in Stokesley to check the books. She had quoted a figure to do this which had been accepted. However, at the meeting, it was mentioned that HMRC logins would be required, which was something that may have to go through Philip Taylor perhaps to gain access as a username and password was required. It was agreed that the Parish Council should continue to be VAT registered because of the ability to reclaim VAT on larger payments because of the Community Fund. Councillor Jayne kendall had some
    experience of dealing with VAT and may be able to help. Action Clerk/Councillor Jayne Kendall.
    5d) Village Maintenance: Not much maintenance had taken place over the winter, but spring would see the gardener and handyman back in regular action. The handyman had been asked for a quote to put a lock on the pond and to replace rotten posts in Leconfield with concrete posts. The Clerk will follow up requests for extra work. Action Clerk.
    5e) Village Pond: A management plan had been provided via the Clerk for the pond at a discounted price form one of his contacts. There were some action points and some options for future work which needed to be pursued. The Clerk will organise for it to be posted on the website and make reference to it in The Grapevine. Action Clerk.
    5f) Council Reorganisation (and Related NYCC Maintenance Matters): County Councillor Bryn Griffiths provided an update. Seamer will be outside his patch and Seamer will be within an extended area focussed in a rural area based around Hutton Rudby. At present, in the lead-up to the new Council, there was officer overload and service delivery problems. Councillor Griffiths also mentioned that local people should report potholes and
    other highway problems to the County Council (John Collin). He also reported on a new pothole repair machine being trialled by JCB, which was 6 times faster. No responses had been received on public rights of way matters and the damaged 40mph sign opposite Noble foods which the Clerk had reported to NYCC. Action: All.
    5g) Village Hall Committee: Councillor Mark Murphy reported that the roof had been repaired, but another repair was required after some storm damage. There were ongoing issues with the boiler, still under guarantee and an external light that needed replacing, as well as a lock that was to be put on the fuel tank. The constitution revisions were on hold until after the AGM. Ideas were being sought for the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations and a meeting had been organised for Tuesday 5th April at 7.30pm. Signs to publicise the event were passed to The Clerk to display on both notice boards to put up with minutes of the previous meeting. Action: Clerk.
    5h) VAS Update: The Parish Council was grateful for attendance at the meeting by Andrew Wilde (Potto PC Chair) and Mike Orr from Crathorne PC, our partners in this venture, with funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner. It was explained that connections were via lampposts to mains; signs and connections were installed in January; sign will be rotated for six weeks spells following a speed survey; data can be downloaded and
    has been requested by the police. The agreement has been signed by all three parishes and the sign will be positioned in Seamer, near the old blacksmiths, and at Tame Bridge Between Hill View and Wynyard. Speed limit can be set on the unit. The operations agreement needs to be signed and this was done at the meeting. It was agreed that Phil Hyman would manage the sign when it was the turn of Seamer and tame Bridge to host it (3 6 week periods in a year) although more funds between the three partners could buy another unit -cost c £2000 plus installation.
    5i) Community Speedwatch and Litter Patrols: Mr and Mrs Hyman attended and Mrs Hyman was also on the Village Hall Committee. It was noted that the worst times for speeding were Sundays and out of rush hour. The group records details of speeding and liaises with the police on speed control and periodically advises the Parish Council. Volunteers are always welcome. Noted that high viz vests were available in the loft of the Village Hall.
    Periodic litter picks are done by volunteers around the village, generally twice a year in spring and autumn, but limits for litter picking and age of volunteers are set to minimise risk. 12-15 bags is normal. Councillor Murphy asked for is name to be added to the list of helpers. New volunteers can be requested through The Grapevine. Action Clerk.
    5j) Police Report: Nicky Dunn from NYCC Police advised that the period since the last meeting, there was 1 act of violence but no other reported crime. There is now a police presence at the Stokesley Farmers Market at every third Saturday of the month. Councillor Jayne kendall reported problems with poachers and criminals, including some from Teesside who were reportedly ‘very dangerous’, wearing balaclavas and hoods and carrying firearms. In addition, other locals, who were known about, were more likely to be involved with poaching with dogs. Councillor Kendall was in touch with two officers from Cleveland Police over cross border issues and incidents and a Rural Task Force had been formed with Rural Watches being held, as well as a Whatsapp Group. The police number for minor incidents was 101, but 999 still applies for serious matters. Councillor Kendall’s details would be passed to the NY police so that liaison could be effected between all those involved and the matter will be included in the summary notes for The Grapevine Action: Clerk.
    5k) Seamer Community Fund: As well as a management Plan for the Pond, commissioned and provided only recently, the Clerk has asked one of his contacts for a fee proposal to provide a safe pedestrian refuge over Seamer Hill. Ball park costs from an engineering consultant were £110 per linear metre, but this could easily double if there were revetments or utilities, gradient changes, traffic management and design cost. County Councillor Griffiths advised that NYCC would not adopt it so future maintenance would be an issue. Match funding could be looked at for capital costs however. If it was eventually brought forward as a project, an approved NYCC contractor would have to be commissioned, again adding to cost. Agreed that it should be investigated further however, based upon a fee proposal for a feasibility exercise to be obtained. Action: Clerk. Also noted that the bus shelter for school children was another idea that need to be progressed and that Faceby PC had recent experience. County Councillor Bryn Griffiths advised that Lisa Wilson from Hambleton DC should be contacted for advice and she had a high success rate in helping with match funding: Action Clerk.
    5l) Village Tree Planting: Vic Brown was unable to attend because of Covid but he had spoken with the Clerk, but had done more planting around the village with local residents, including Mr and Mrs Hyman. It was agreed, in principle, to support Vic with offers of materials, subject to Parish Council approval. Councillor Mark Mufree trees were reportedly available from the Queens Trust. Councillor Mark Murphy explained that tree guards could be made available through his company if Vic wanted to get in touch. Also, The Clerk will continue to liaise with Vic, including any tree planting that may be agreed as part of the Queens Jubilee. Action: Clerk.
    5m) Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations: This matter is the subject of a meeting on 5th April, minuted above, but ideas were about village hall events and tree planting which would be advertised in The Grapevine. Action: Clerk.
    5n) Local History Project: Following an approach from a local historian, no information could be provided, except photos in the village hall and recordings from older people that could be made for the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations. Action Clerk.
    5o) Green Lanes Association: This was an approach to advise the Parish Council about the associations activities. Details were noted.
    5p) Ukraine Donation: It was agreed to donate a sum of £500 (although it was then clarified that this would not be possible because of donation rules).
    White Rose weekly updates NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin HDC regular updates Community First rural news NYCC Chief Executive weekly bulletin YLCA advice Green Lanes Association
    No new income reported during the period. Annual accounts will provide figures once the audit has been completed.
    The following expenditure was settled:
    Wave – Water rate Bill £13-09
    Village Hall Defibrillator (C Campy) £264-00
    SJ Burton (village gardner) £169-12.
    A Thomas (Easter Workshops) £60-00.
    Ecology Report (Pond) £388-00
    Village handyman (P Wood) to be paid £220-00 for fence repair and pond lock once completed.
    8 FORTHCOMING MEETING DATES Next meeting is on May 17th, 2022 (also Parish APM); July 19th,
    2022; October 18th 2022.
    (All meetings have a 7pm start time)
Minutes of Seamer Parish Council Meeting March 15th 2022

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