The Jumble Sale held on Saturday was a great success raising £438.36p so far, for the Village Hall funds.
There was a long queue of people waiting for the doors  to open at 2pm and the hall was soon packed out with everyone wanting a bargain.  Maybe this was due to Jo being on Radio Tees just after 9am promoting it.
The hall was full of items to sell from clothes, footwear, jewellery, books, toys, electrical goods, furniture, household goods and bric-a-brac to plants.
Afterwards people could reflect on their purchases over a cuppa with home made cakes and biscuits.
Thank you to everyone who donated their unwanted goods, to all the helpers and to those of you that came to buy, for making this annual event such a success.

Saturday 11th April 2015 at 2.00 pm





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