CLERK: Mr. G McGill. Correspondence to 4 Leconfield, Seamer, Stokesley, Middlesbrough, TS9 5PP. Tel. 01642 710451.


Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 16th May 2023          


Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, paragraph 10 (2) of the Local Government Act 1972. 


Councillor James Bainbridge.


Councillors Maureen Marshall (Acting Chair), Jayne Kendall, Amanda Cutler, Mark Murphy & Acting Parish Clerk Glenn McGill.

Two members of the public were in attendance.


The minutes of the meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday 16th May 2023 were confirmed as a true record and agreed by those present.


It was agreed that Councillors Kendall and Cutler would speak to Councillor Bainbridge to ascertain his position, after not being able to attend several recent meetings. Action Councillors Kendall & Cutler.

In spite of prompting from members of the public who attended a previous meeting on this topic in January, the Parish Council was unable to issue a formal response to the consultation letter issued by the District Council (now NYCC) until it had been received. Upon receipt, a response would be issued.  Action: Clerk.

The village handyman had still to attend to various maintenance matters including grass overgrowing footpaths and in front of gateway signs at village entrances in Seamer and Tame Bridge. The Clerk will seek an update. Action: Clerk.

Councillor Kendall will contact a representative to try to remove the decomposing hay bale from the village pond. Action: Councillor Kendall.

The problem of a septic tank overflow was noted near the property known as ‘Fairwinds’ and it was agreed to refer the matter to District Councillor Fortune based upon a letter prepared by the Clerk since no other forms of action had resulted in any positive action. Action: District Councillor Fortune.


New Applications Received/Applications Under consideration:

Ref: ZB23/01020/OUT. Applicants: L. Seymour, M. Jopling, T. Jopling, V. Jopling, C. Nicolson – Outline application with some matters reserved (considering access) for the construction of 4 no. dwellings on land west of Leconfield. Response issued by the Parish Council to object to the proposal.

Ref: ZB23/01014/FUL. Applicant: Mr. Mark Burton – Retrospective application for temporary siting of static mobile caravan at White Gates, Hilton Road, Seamer. Response issued by Parish Council to object to the proposal.

Ref: ZB23/01000/FUL. Applicant: Mr. C. Bainbridge – Construction of steel portal framed agricultural manure storage building at Seamer Grange Farm. Response issued by Parish Council not to object.

Ref: ZB23/00767/FUL. Applicant: Mr.& Mrs Stockwell – Proposed two Storey Side Extension at 12 Croft Hills, Tame Bridge. Response issued – no objections subject to clarification of parking matter.   

Applications determined:

Ref: 23/00568/NMC. Applicant:  TBC – Non-material amendment for previously approved application at Burnside, Seamer Road. Approved 08/03/23.


6a) Police – report received noting that in March, there had been a commercial burglary and in April 2023, there was a reported theft of a satellite GPS from a tractor.

6b) Annual Chairman’s Report this report was issued, and no debate was required.

6c) Financial, VAT, Banking & Accounts – Accounts for 2022-2023 year had been approved and would be posted on notice boards as soon as practicably possible. Action: Clerk.

6d) Ongoing Parking Issue at The Green –This issue of parking on the village green was ongoing and would likely require a meeting with residents in due course. The Clerk will approach YALC for further advice, as the current highway situation remains hazardous. Action: Clerk.

6e) Community Fund Update – A meeting had been held some time ago between the Clerk, Councillor Marshall and a local contractor regarding solar pumps from the pond powered by solar panels to tackle the alien duckweed growth.  A price was awaited from Analec. Action: Clerk.

The proposed school children’s bus shelter was ongoing now that District Councillor Fortune has escalated it to senior staff at NYCC. Clerk will be approached regarding a meeting with NYCC highways as its contactors had failed to tender on two separate occasions. Action: Action: Clerk.

There was good news regarding the new defibrillator at Tame Bridge now installed. Thanks were given to Councillor Marshall for her stellar efforts.

6f) North Yorkshire UK Shared Prosperity Fund – Councillor Marshall explained that grants available under this fund were over three years but year 1 is now fully booked. An expression of interest is needed for a project to kick start the process and this needs to be retained as a future funding prospect.  Action: All Councillors.

6g) Parish Clerk Role –Glenn McGill who had undertaken the role for two years indicated that he was unable to continue due to work commitments and a replacement was being sought.

6h) Parish Councillor Details – These needed to be reported to NYCC once posts had been resolved. Action: Clerk.

6i) Tree Safety Audit – A finalised report and risk assessment had been produced. Agreed Clerk will contact arboricultural contractors for prices for any necessary recommended work. Action: Clerk.

6j) Council Reorganisation – District Councillor Fortune noted that her role had extended significantly since the number of councillors had been reduced and the areas significantly extended. She had raised concerns within NYCC at current responsibilities and workloads.

6j) Village Hall Committee – Councillor Mark Murphy advised that the AGM had been held. The coronation event had been held and was a success, a lean -to extension was being proposed at the rear and a light sensor had been fixed. Ongoing roof work was still under consideration.

6k) Fence damage by the contractor and tree removal on the former Seamer Engineering works had been addressed by the Council, but no action was recommended.


White Rose weekly updates                   NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin              HDC regular updates

Stokesley and Villages Climate Change Action Group    NYCC Chief Executive weekly bulletin    YLCA advice


Councillor Maureen Marshall provided a brief update on accounts and funding. Current balances stand as follows:

Business account


Easter Event                                                       £120DR  funded from comm account

PC Clerk Payment                                  £250DR

NYCC Annual Membership                             £307DR

Defib Tame Bridge                                           £1697.94DR funded from comm account

Grass Cutting April                                           £400DR

Sign Cleaning                                          £80DR

Defib pads                                              £180DR funded from comm account

Gardener                                                £127.95DR funded from comm account


From comm account                                     £1697.94

Precept                                                    £2795.00

From comm account                                     £180.00

From comm account                                     £127.95

Balance as at 10.05.23                         £4224.78

Reserve account 

Bank Interest                                                     £2.47CR

VAT claim 21/22                                    £322.07CR

Balance as at 10.05.23                         £3235.14     

Community Account

Tfr to bus account                                         £120DR

Tfr to bus account                                        £1697.94DR

Tfr to bus account                                         £127.95DR

Balance as at 10.05.23                         £29903.64 

9)               FORTHCOMING MEETING DATES       Next meeting is on, 18th July 2023, 19th September 2023 and 21st November 2023.

(All meetings have a 7pm start time and will be held in Seamer Village Hall)

SEAMER PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 16th May 2023