CLERK: Mr. G McGill. Correspondence to 4 Leconfield, Seamer, Stokesley,
Middlesbrough, TS9 5PP. Tel. 01642 710451.
Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 19th July 2022
Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, paragraph 10 (2) of the Local
Government Act 1972.
Councillors Jayne Kendall and James Bainbridge sent their belated apologies.
District Councillor Bridgette Fortune, Councillors Maureen Marshall, (Acting Chair), Mark Murphy, Parish Clerk
Glenn McGill. Christine Cooper, Steve Burton and Jane McGill were in attendance as members of the public.
This meant that the meeting was not quorate as the Parish Council is still one Councillor short and only two
Councillors were in attendance.
The minutes of the meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday 17 May 2022 were confirmed as a true
record apart from the erroneous date, which would be corrected retrospectively for purposes of accuracy.
Steve Burton (Village Gardener) attended the meeting to advise on progress with his valued efforts, which were
made possible by the Community Fund. Steve explained that there were now 44 tubs in the Parish and although
he was able to tend them, watering was becoming a serious challenge, especially in dry weather. It was agreed
that Steve would produce a map showing locations and numbers and that Councillor Maureen Marshall would act
as co-ordinator. She may be contacted on . The Parish Council would endeavour to
seek community support to look after as many bins as possible to produce a register of names of individuals linked
with this duty of care and that a brief article to publicise the initiative would be placed in next edition of ‘The
Ref: 22/00186/DCN – Z. Keightley-Smith – Discharge of conditions attached to Planning Consent 22/00186/FULConstruction of a 2-storey rear extension- Awaiting Decision.
Ref: 22/00625/FUL – Mr. C. Bainbridge – Received 06/04/22 – Construction of two storey ,four bedroomed farm
managers dwelling with attached double garage -Seamer Grange Farm – Approved.16/06/22.
Ref: 22/00878/FUL – Mr & Mrs Hopper – Received 06/04/22 – Single Storey Extension to Rear – Snowdrop Cottage
Seamer – Approved 08/06/22.
Ref: 22/01041/FUL- Z. Keightley-Smith – Received 27/04/22 – Construction of a 2 storey rear extension & rendering
of existing property and Re-roofing – Pheasant House Seamer – Approved 13/07/22.
M. Nicholls: (21/01847/MRC) – Variation of conditions attached to Application Reference Number: 76/0609/FULO.S. Field 0005 (PT), Tanton Road, Seamer Construction Of An Agricultural General Purpose Storage
Building – Land And Buildings At Tanton Road Seamer North Yorkshire – Refused 14/01/22 It was noted at the
meeting that an application to follow on from the last application for the same had just been submitted and
details would be circulated after the meeting with prospective actions.
5a) ITEM NO. 7A – To approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 for Seamer Parish Council in the
the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22. Approved.
5b) ITEM NO. 7B – To approve the Accounting Statements 2021/22 for Seamer Parish Council in the Annual
Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22. Approved.
5c) ITEM NO. 7C – To consider the Internal Auditor’s detailed written report and agree necessary actions
arising, including sending records to PK Littlejohn’s. Noted that Littlejohn’s had advised they would not look
further at our submission Approved.
It was noted however, that the VAT return still had to be completed by proper contact with HMRC to ascertain
whether they would accept a manual return not completed using bespoke software they were insisting had to be
used for the purpose. Action PC Clerk/Councillor Marshall.
6a) Police – The police advised that they were unable to send a representative to attend the meeting, but they
supplied a report nevertheless and it was reported that they had come to the Village Hall drop in session. The
report showed a total of 6 recorded crimes in the Parish within the period.
6b) Financial update and banking matters – Councillor Maureen Marshall provided a brief update on accounts
and funding. Current balances stand at £24,279 (Community) £2898.97 (Bus Reserve) £2,130.77 (Current).
Noted that NYCC had been invoiced for a purchase order to the Parish council for the maintenance of highway land
by our village handyman.
6c) Proposed Private Road widening Seamer.– a previous planning application had been approved for this work
and a representative was supposed to have attended to explain what possible benefits the scheme might deliver,
bearing in mind that it might encourage parking on an already narrow private road and may not deliver wider
community benefits. Another conundrum seems to be that the price tendered was deemed no longer acceptable
by the proposed contractor because of increases in materials prices and when asked to retender, he hasn’t done
so, when advised the Parish Council would need another three quotes.
6d) Parking Issue at The Green, Seamer – This matter affected common land as some local residents were parking
on the access links to and from the highway thereby causing a highway safety problem for other residents and
potentially blocking ingress and egress by emergency vehicles. This is in spite of available alternative parking
provision at the rear of these properties. District Councillor Bridget Fortune suggested the Clerk contacts Deborah
Flowers in NYCC Highways Area 2 for highways/legal advice should a required letter be sent to each of these
residents and an article in the next version of ‘The Grapevine’ not resolve the problem. Christine Cooper would
provide details of names and addresses for distribution of letters. Acton Christine Cooper/ Parish Clerk.
6e) Village maintenance reported issues – (i) Bank Top path and the village entrance Tame Bridge needed some
vegetation trimming back, which would be referred to the Village Handyman to resolve. The problem in some areas
such as Bank Top, was that property owners were not maintaining vegetation on their land projecting on to
highways, which may need letters to be sent and an article in The Grapevine; (ii) There was an additional village
bin request in Holme Lane and another at Tame Bridge which it was decided would be difficult as private
maintenance, which was suggested, was not permitted, although District Councillor Bridget Fortune would make
some enquiries nevertheless; (iii) highway drain covers and highway maintenance had been reported to NYCC
which responded to inform the Parish Could that the covers met their required parameters and that no further
action was necessary; and (iv) there was a dog waste bin relocation request near memorial bench, lower green. It
was agreed that this was logical and that it would be addressed in future, either per se or else as part of a possible
community fund project to provide a shelter for children awaiting the school bus. All above issues were
noted/Parish Clerk to action as appropriate.
6f) Current Parish Councillor vacancy – The Acting Clerk advised that if Councillors wanted him to become a
Councillor to fill the vacancy, then a replacement clerk was needed. Christine Cooper advised that she would
advertise the vacancy in Stokesley Loop and another advert would be placed in ‘The Grapevine’ Furthermore,
Councillor Bainbridge has not completed the forms provided by the Council, which were needed. Action Christine
6g) Council Reorganisation – Councillor Bridget Fortune advised that a new Council would be formed in
approximately a year’s time. In this regard, there are proposed Area Committees and a Council Mayor. Rates would
likely be standardised by April 2023, probably at a higher level than presently in line with other Council areas of
the County. This may be unpopular as Hambleton has kept levels down, as far as practicably possible until the new
Council is formed.
6g) Village Hall Committee – Councillor Mark Murphy reported that there were ongoing maintenance issues and
health as well as health and safety issues. Some work on the roof needed further attention as it hadn’t been done
to specification. It was noted that the constitution still had to be finalised and 3 further trustees were needed.
6h) VAS Update/Community Speedwatch: Noted that Phil Hyman had not been able to provide any update.
6i) Community Fund: There was support to further investigate the prospect of solar panels for the village hall which
the Clerk was pursuing with a local supplier to examine feasibility in the first instance. The bill for the Queens
Jubilee was submitted and would be paid promptly. A funding request for a magic night on 7/10/22 was supported
in principle subject to confirmation of cost. A previous suggestion by District Councillor Bridget Fortune to contact
Lisa Wilson at Hambleton for project match funding schemes had been pursued by the Clerk although details still
had to be resolved. Meanwhile Councillor Fortune agreed to contribute a sum of £1000 to the Parish Council from
her own Council Project Fund to support a worthy project, the details of which needed to be confirmed.
6n) Village Tree Planting was included on the agenda although Vic Brown was not in attendance. District Councillor
Bridget Fortune has kindly provided Vic with a number of very rare Black Poplars once a common British tree.
6m) PC Website. It was reported that there had been some problems with the website and that details of new
contact information would be clarified after the meeting.
White Rose weekly updates NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin HDC regular updates
Community First rural news NYCC Chief Executive weekly bulletin YLCA advice
Green Lanes Association
Income: Hambleton District Council: None
The following expenditure was settled:

  • £26-58 Water; £115-37 Insurance; £60-00 Accountant; £90.00 Accountant; £400.00 Handyman; £302.59
    gardener; £ 402-00Village Hall Jubilee.
    9) FORTHCOMING MEETING DATES Next meeting is on September 20th 2022, to be followed by meetings
    on November 15th 2022 and January 17th 2023.
    (All meetings have a 7pm start time and will be held in Seamer Village Hall)
SEAMER PARISH COUNCIL – Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 19th July 2022