The signs of spring are well and truly present now and the lighter nights add to the feeling of the coming summer of sunshine (we hope!) and all it brings. Seamer village Hall also has lots to look forward to with the new regular activities (Badminton and a second Pilates Class) and the continuation of the monthly events. The success of these depends upon YOU.
Please support them by joining in, you never know you might enjoy them! The recent Games night (Pizza and Pop!) was a great event — not something I would normally go to but I have to admit to having a great time meeting new and old friends in a very informal way — whilst also helping to raise funds for future village hall improvements.
Can I on your behalf thank all those who work both in front of and behind the scenes to make all these events so successful, both as fund raisers as well as being enjoyable.

Don’t forget you can keep up to date with all the news and events by accessing the website www.seamervillage.co.uk

Have a Good Easter
Dave Campy




Eucharist will be 11.15am on Sundays:
5th April (Easter Day) & 19th April 3rd May & 17th May (but NOT on 31st May)

There will be no service at St Martin’s on Maundy Thursday or Good Friday but Services at Stokesley Parish Church on those days are:
Maundy Thursday (2nd April) – 7.30pm Eucharist and Watch of  Prayer
Good Friday (3rd April):- 9am Morning Prayer 10am Family Crafts and Prayers 11.45am Churches Together are having a short Walk of Witness (starting at Stokesley Methodist Church) 2pm An hour before the Cross.
Also: On Ascension Day (Thursday 14th May) – Sung Eucharist (with choir) at 7.30pm.
On Sunday 31st May, the Revd Sarah Strand will be ordained priest in the 10am service at York Minster. She will then preside at the Eucharist for the first time at 6pm on the same day at Stokesley Parish Church, where all are welcome.

Finally… on the first Saturday of each month, as the Farmers’ Market is trading outside, Stokesley Parish Church serves Coffee and Cakes between 9.30 and 11.30 am. This includes Holy Saturday (4th April), and will also include the first
day of Stokesley Open Gardens (6th June).

Revd Paul Hutchinson







Seamer Memorial Hall
Friday 24th April at 7.00pm
Tickets are £10 and include a
Fish and Chip Supper.
Available from: Margaret Smith 01642 710611




iStock_000023455892LargeGREENFINGERS and ART GROUP

The Garden and Art Clubs are joining up for a day out at Lealholm by train on Saturday 18th April, and you are welcome to join us.

Please ring Angela Forrest on 01642 710606 for train times and more details, last year we parked at Ayton Station.

A lift to the Station is available, the cost for the train is in the region of £7.






There is a possibility that we could apply to run a Weight Watchers meeting on a Saturday morning from September.

The price would be £6.25 a week or £21.45 a month. We would need thirty people to make it possible to apply.

There will be a list on the notice board in the Village Hall or you could contact Margaret Smith on 01642 710611





7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 28th of April

This is open to the Public. Everyone welcome






Thanks go to Janet Bainbridge and her helpers for the ‘Games night’, it was great fun.







Saturday 11th April 2015 at 2.00 pm

It’s that time again, when I ask everyone to PLEASE bring all their unwanted items for our jumble sale (bric-a-brac, clothes, small pieces of furniture, etc.). Almost anything welcome (except analogue TV’s) please. NOTE: If you want to turn any decent top label clothing/accessories/costume jewellery etc. you no longer wear into cash, See next article about the Swishing Party .
Donations can be left at the Village Hall from the 28th March during the times the Hall is being used (see earlier Hall timetable for times), or if you ring me (Jo Batey 713143) and leave your number (if no reply), I will ring you back and sort out suitable arrangements.

This will be our 5th year of holding the event and I want to try and beat our record!!





7.30pm in Village Hall on Friday 22nd May

This is your chance to turn any decent top label clothing/accessories/costume jewellery, etc. you no longer wear into cash at a fun swap/auction type event.
Enjoy a glass of wine with cheese and a girlie get together at the same time as making some money, creating space in your wardrobe or revamping/freshening up your own wardrobe. This is a new idea, so please give it a try.
Pampered Chef will also be promoting their ranges on the evening. Pampered Chef UK Ltd. is the premier direct seller of essential kitchen tools, and has been helping families prepare quick, delicious meals since 1999.
Admission £4 (to include a glass of wine and cheese). 20% of all money raised to be donated to Village Hall funds, as well as anything left over from the admission charge.
Please just turn up with your items (and any extra refreshments (!) if you wish). If it’s a success we can make it a regular girls night!

Jo Batey 713143





This is a provisional date. For details contact Ann Thomas on 710822 or see website.





The monthly draw takes place at the Pop-in at the village hall on the last Monday of the month and the winning names will be published in the next copy of the Grapevine.





You can join at anytime and if you wish to do so, please contact: Christine Cooper on 01642 710294 or e-mail: chris_cooper1@hotmail.com with your details I look forward to hearing from you.

Christine Cooper





With Rachel Chapman Tuesday nights 6-7pm and 7-8pm.

Note the additional session
Everyone welcome, it is a complete beginners class; please wear clothes that you can move freely in.

If you would like anymore information about the classes or have an injury you would like to talk to me about please contact on:
07946 324080 or email: rachelchapman91@outlook.com
Cost is £4 per class and if you attend 9 your 10th is free

Rachel Chapman








In the northern hemisphere Easter falls into the season of Spring. Little wonder, therefore, that many of the illustrations about the Easter story are linked to nature.

For example a poem by Fred Pratt Green starts:

After darkness, light;
After winter, spring;
After dying, life;
Alleluia! Alleluia!


We certainly are seeing the signs of the new life of spring following the deadness of winter.
For a Christian, Easter is the most significant festival of the year. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This event is the foundation of the Christian faith. It establishes Jesus as the Son of God. We believe that God has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection.
Most churches have special Easter services, and Seamer is no exception. The Methodist Church’s service is on Sunday April 5th at 9am – yes 9 am and will be led by Revd. Richard Bradshaw. All are welcome.

All Age Worship

You will probably have noticed that during the week leading up to the second Sunday in each month there is a banner on the railings at the front of the Methodist Church inviting all to an All Age Worship. The worship on that Sunday is arranged in an informal way that is suitable for young and older alike. If you have not been before, why not give one of these a try – we would love to see you there.

New Post Box

The Methodist Church has a new post box on the Church Wall. This is available for anyone who wants Prayers to be said, for any reason, to use. Simply write the request and post it in the box.


General Election

I am sure that you will not have been able to miss the fact that there will be a General Election on May 7th 2015. There will also be elections for Hambleton District Council, and possible Seamer Parish council, on the same date. We will, possibly, be weary of all the media coverage but I believe we all have a responsibility to take all these elections seriously and vote. Thankfully we live in a democratic society where voting does matter. It is now very easy to register to vote, if you have not already done so, and/or apply for postal voting if you prefer this to going to the Polling Station.

(I could advise you how to vote BUT I hope that what I have written here is totally Party neutral.)


April 5th @ 9 am led by Revd Richard Bradshaw
April 12th @ 10.30 am All Age Worship led by Mollie Locke
April 19th @ 10.30 am led by Arthur Noble
April 26th @ 10.30 am led by Carl Smith
May 3rd @ 10.30 am led by Elaine Wilson
May 10th @ 10.30 am All Age Worship led by Revd Lisa Quarmby
May 17th @ 10.30 am led by Katherine Atha
May 24th @ 10.30 am led by Tim Locke
May 31th @ 10.30 am led by Ken Hudson
Time For A Smile
How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb?
Two; one to change it and one to change it back again.
Thought For The Month
Easter Jesus, risen and alive
We praise you for your power over death.
You bring us a living hope.

Ron Kirk





Although we have recently had a welcome holiday from the high price of heating oil, many of you will have noticed the price is starting to rise again.
For a number of years, Joe and Gordon Read of Broughton have run a very successful oil buying club, negotiating very favourable prices for customers in many villages within the area.
A very small number of those customers including myself live in Seamer. However if we could gain more customers, it would help to make the price even more attractive with the possibility of getting a whole tanker load of 17,000 litres to the village.

The way it operates at the moment is orders are placed with Gordon on the following dates for delivery around the following week.

1st week in January.
1st week in March.
1st week in May.
1st week in September.
1st week in November.

There is no obligation to order on every date, just when you require oil. Also the supplier will bill the recipient direct.
If you are interested or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact myself on davidward21@talktalk.net. or 01642 710333 or Gordon Reed on 01642 711495.

David Ward




Bogus callers and distraction burglary

North Yorkshire Police have launched an awareness campaign to target bogus callers and help prevent distraction burglaries.
A distraction burglary is when someone calls at your door, pretending to be an official from an organisation such as a utility company, the ‘water board’, council, or in some audacious cases, the police. They trick their way in and distract you while they rifle through your house to steal money or goods.
Most callers at your door will be genuine. However, some are bogus, whose aim is to get inside your home to steal from you.

To reduce the risk of becoming a victim of this crime, remember the following four steps:

  • Lock all doors – even when you are at home
  • Stop before you open the door, ask them who they are
  • Chain- always use a door chain or spy hole
  • Always ask the caller for their identification, and check it, before letting them in. Use the phone number in the phone book, not the one on their identity card.

Not sure who they are? Don’t open the door!

REMEMBER: A genuine caller will happily wait outside while you check on them by calling their organisation or call a family member or neighbour to be with you.
If you feel threatened by a caller, you must ring the police on 999.


Rural Watch

We are still looking for more volunteers to join our Rural Watch patrols. The patrols take place two/three times a month involving volunteers from the local farming and rural community These can be run locally or as part of a cross border operation with other police forces. Each volunteer is double crewed in one of their personal vehicles and they have a police radio which gives them direct instant contact with dedicated police officers who are also conducting rural patrols. Anything suspicious is reported straight to the dedicated officers who can then attend the area and carry out any enquiries or enforcement that may be appropriate. It is difficult to measure the success of our Rural Watch patrols, or to provide any figures, as so much of it is proactive and it is very difficult to measure the success of preventative work. We regularly get reports of suspicious vehicles and people on rural land from members of our community and there is marked reduction in these reports on evenings when the Rural Watch patrols are active. Our volunteers are our eyes and ears on these patrols and their help, enthusiasm and proactive approach is always welcomed and very much appreciated.

PCSO 4829 Pete Lewis

Stokesley Safer Neighbourhood Team




Do you live in Seamer? Are you or a member of your household in housing need? Has a member of your household moved away due to a lack of affordable housing?

If any of these apply to you please register at www.hambleton.gov.uk/surveys/seamer.

A hard copy of the form can be obtained by contacting Amanda Madden (Rural Housing Enabler) at Telephone: 01609 767048 or email: amanda.madden@hambleton.org.uk
The register of need will ensure the right sized properties are incorporated into any future housing development applications.





A young lad asked me the other day, ‘What was your favourite ‘fast food’ when you were growing up?’ ‘We didn’t have fast food when I was growing up,’ I informed him. ‘All the food was slow.’ ‘C’mon, seriously.. Where did you eat?’ ‘It was a place called home.’ I explained ! ‘Mum cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, and if I didn’t like what she put on my plate, I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.’
By this time the lad was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to suffer serious internal damage, so I didn’t tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the table. But here are some other things I would have told him about my childhood if I’d thought he could have handled it.

  • Some parents NEVER owned their own house, wore jeans, set foot on a golf course, travelled out of the country or had a credit card.
  • My parents never drove me to school… I had a bicycle that weighed probably 50 pounds, and only had one speed (slow).
  • We didn’t have a television in our house until I was 10. It was, of course, black and white, and the station went off the air at 10 PM, after playing the national anthem and epilogue; it came back on the air at about 6 am, when there was usually a locally produced news and farm show on, featuring local people.
  • Pizzas were not delivered to our home… But milk was.
  • All newspapers were delivered by boys. My brother delivered one seven days a week. He had to get up at 6 every morning.
  • There were no movie ratings because all films were responsibly produced for everyone to enjoy viewing, without profanity or violence or almost anything offensive.

If you grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren. Just don’t blame me if they die laughing. Growing up isn’t what it used to be, is it?

Test your age:

Count all the things in the following list that you remember, not the ones you were told about. Then check your Rating at the end.

1. Sweet cigarettes

2. Coffee shops with juke boxes

3. Home milk delivery in glass bottles

4. Party lines on the telephone

5. Newsreels before the movie

6. TV test patterns that came on at night after the last show and were there until TV shows started again in the morning. (There were only 2 channels, if you were fortunate enough to have a TV)

7. Peashooters

8. 78 rpm records

9. 45 rpm records

10. Hi-fi’s

11. Metal ice trays with levers

12. Blue flashbulbs

13. Cork popguns

14. Wash tub wringers

If you remembered 0-3 = You’re still young If you remembered 3-6 = You are getting older If you remembered 7-10 = Don’t tell your age If you remembered 11-14 = You’re positively ancient!
I must be ‘positively ancient’ but those memories are some of the best parts of my life.

Courtesy of Bryan Sykes (slightly modified!!)






(all numbers have 01642 in front of them)
Magazine Layout and Editor

David Campy, 5A Holme Lane, Seamer

E-Mail: david.campy123@btinternet.com 710320


Margaret Smith, 4 Bracken Hill Walk, Seamer 710611


Derek Winterbotham, Kingsbridge, Hilton Rd. Seamer 711617

St Martin’s

Rev Paul Hutchinson, The Rectory, Stokesley 710405

Rev Sarah Strand revsarahstrand@outlook.com 810690

Methodist Church

Ron Kirk, 2 Rosehill, Great Ayton 722053

Seamer Village Hall

Bookings: Christine Campy (david.campy123@btinternet.com) 710320

General : Margaret Smith 710611

Village News

Margaret Smith 710611

Seamer Parish Council

E-Mail: scapa20@hotmail.com

Seamer Correspondent for Darlington and Stockton Times

Christine Cooper 710294



The Grapevine, No. 132, April 2015 – May 2015

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