17th January 2023 The following matters were reported: The January meeting of the Parish Council was held at Seamer Memorial Hall. No members of the public were in attendance. The following matters were reported: The village handyman had inspected grass overgrowing footpath near Village Hall which had been reported by a resident at the previous meeting. The handyman explained that there was very little footpath under the grass and that it didn’t merit clearing, (only a few inches) although he would do this as may be necessary. The handyman had been asked to inspect reports of damaged footpaths near the pub as well as jet cleaning the village entrance gates and is expected to attend to these matters soon. A problem with development at Sandall Rise reported which was a planning approval supported by the Parish Council due to bright entrance lights which gives the appearance of headlights in the middle of the road when travelling from Seamer in the direction of Stainton. This was to be reported to County Highways. Noted that the Monday morning pop in sessions were still happening and all were welcome. The Acting Clerk advised that his business had a spare printer /photocopier which was offered to the village. All agreed that this should be welcomed, and Councillor Murphy agreed to advise Village Hall Committee Members at the next meeting. Noted that the hay bale in the pond had decomposed and would have to be removed. No new planning applications had been received in the period; none were currently pending, and none had been decided. The Police had not attended any recent drop-in sessions, but a report had been received for the period 18/10/22 -6/12/22 which showed 2 nuisance complaints and 1 instance of fraudulent crime. Councillor Maureen Marshall provided a brief update on accounts and funding and details were available on the full minutes. Noted that a visit to or meeting with residents of The Green was needed to sort the ongoing highway safety issue. The focus for the community fund was the bus shelter, but no responses had been received to the mini-tender for preparatory works, but Councillor Marshall reported on better progress with the defibrillator proposed in Tame Bridge. In addition, the Clerk and Councillor Marshall had held a meeting with Analec about solar pumps and chargers to oxygenate the water to seek to deal with the alien weed problem. A Tree Survey was being commissioned for reasons of health and safety. The Clerk role continued to be filled in a temporary capacity. The village Christmas tree would now be paid for by the Parish Council (Community Fund) and thanks were given to the previous benefactor for funding it for many years. Residents can access information about Parish Council and Community Fund matters in the following ways: Attendance at the bimonthly Parish Council meetings, details of which are published in various locations: e.g., Parish Council notice boards, website. The Grapevine, where articles are regularly published. Parish Council minutes: these are displayed on notice boards and on the website. Residents can contact the Parish Council via email or telephone to discuss any matters that are of concern to them. All matters concerned with the Community Fund are discussed as an agenda item at Parish Council meetings. Any residents who attend form part of the discussion and all viewpoints are taken into consideration when making a final decision. Maureen Marshall, Acting Chair of the Parish Council Email: glenn.mcgill57@gmail.com |
Tuesday 21st March 2023 The following matters were reported: The March meeting of the Parish Council was held at Seamer Memorial Hall. Three members of the public were in attendance interested primarily in a planning matter at Leconfield, which had not yet precipitated a planning application. The next step would be for the applicants to submit a pre-consultation exercise for market bungalows, in order to gauge public opinion, which, not surprisingly looked as if it would be negative. The village handyman had still to attend to various maintenance matters including grass overgrowing footpaths near the village hall. The white gates had also been washed and two further signs had been put up in Tanton Road and Hilton Road. Noted that further maintenance work would commence in the spring. A problem with development at Sandall Rise reported which was a planning approval supported by the Parish Council due to bright entrance lights which gives the appearance of headlights in the middle of the road when travelling from Seamer in the direction of Stainton. The Clerk had reported this to County Highways, but no action was proposed. The photocopier/printer offered for use by the community was not wanted by the Village Hall Committee despite it having been agreed previously by the Village Hall Chairman and delivered to site. It has since been removed because of a plethora of objections. Noted that the hay bale in the pond had decomposed and would still have to be removed in due course. Noted that the police have undertaken speed trap in the last two weeks. The problem of a septic tank overflow was noted discharging from a property in Seamer Road in the direction of adjacent farmland and it was agreed to refer the matter to District Councillor Fortune. Planning applications were under consideration for a first-floor extension above existing attached garage at 8 Croft Hills and for a detached dwelling and garage at Tanglewold in Stainton Road. The police reports are now sent electronically. The report for 01/02/23 -28/02/23 recorded 1 residential burglary and 1 attempted residential burglary and 1 incident of violence against a person. VAT was in the process of being reclaimed and financial records were due to be submitted end of year to the accountant. Noted residents of The Green had been visited by a parish Councillor as a consequence of which some improvements had been noted. The matter will continue to be monitored. The North Yorkshire Prosperity Fund was already over allocated for the year, but next year might be worth applying for match funding on community projects. The Parish Clerk role was to be advertised for a replacement person. Noted that payments were to be made by the Council to the Parish Council for maintenance of highway verges. Footpath gates at Seamer Hill had not been stolen, but had been put in store by the farmer. Minutes of this meeting (and agendas prior to meetings) are displayed on the notice boards and on the website. An update from the May Parish Council meeting will appear in the next Grapevine once ratified following the next Parish Council meeting. The Parish Council meeting on Tuesday July 19th will take place at the Village Hall, commencing at 7pm and will include the AGM. Residents can access information about Parish Council and Community Fund matters in the following ways: Attendance at the bimonthly Parish Council meetings, details of which are publicised in various locations: e.g., Parish Council noticeboards, website. The Grapevine, where articles are regularly published. Parish Council minutes: these are displayed on noticeboards and on the website. Residents can contact the Parish Council via email or telephone to discuss any matters that are of concern to them. All matters concerned with the Community Fund are discussed as an agenda item at Parish Council meetings. Any residents who attend form part of the discussion and all viewpoints are taken into consideration when making a final decision. Maureen Marshall, Acting Chair of the Parish Council Email: glenn.mcgill57@gmail.com |
Seamer Parish Council – Parish Meeting Summaries – Grapevine