CLERK: Allison Routledge

Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 19th September 2023


Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, paragraph 10 (2) of the Local Government Act 1972. 


Allison Routledge Parish Clerk


Councillors Maureen Marshall (Acting Chair), Jayne Kendall, Amanda Cutler, Mark Murphy & Glenn McGill Acting Parish Clerk and advisor.

Fifteen members of the public were in attendance.

Open Forum

The planning application for change of use to church in Seamer Road was discussed with many objections and expressions of concern as well as some supporters. On Councils website, noted 38 objections to date, so a high level of interest.

The following general points were made: -·

NYCC Planning Council makes decision.

Likely to be delegated decision by officers.

· Parish Council is a statutory consultee only.

· PC comments will be made on views of councillors taking into account comments made by attendees (members of the public).

· Decision made on planning grounds and comments from local residents will be considered.

· Comments by members of the public included highways and traffic, 9 parking spaces amenity concerns, changing a house in a residential area to a church when other community and religious facilities at heart of village were underused and other applicant churches already in area at Nunthorpe not far away.

· County Highways yet to comment.

Agreed that Glenn McGill (Technical Advisor to PC) would circulate a draft response to reflect Councillors views and including concerns of members of the public. When refined, this would be sent to the Council on behalf of the Clerk.


The minutes of the meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday 16th July 2023 were confirmed as a true record and agreed by those present.


4.1 Bus Shelter update – This issue has taken a year and a half to date and is a continued source of frustration due to Council highway procedures and tender requirements. Its position is proposed to be amended following contact with a prospective qualified contractor after two mini tenders with no expressions of interest. This will require a crown lift of the horse chestnut tree adjacent to it, which is in hand as part of the authorized arboriculture works on Parish Council land (see below). The unit is in store with the supplier at present, to be installed after the facilitation works have been completed. It was also noted that the contractor who organised the works for Faceby PC may be able to assist (contact details?). David Hugill who was at the meeting will forward contact details.

4.2 Village Gardener and Plant costs – The Village Gardener, who had done a sterling job, doesn’t wish to continue in the role, which is approx. 2 hours per week, although the work was recognised as taking longer in the summer and at planting time. 2 or 3 of the tubs were rotten and needed to be removed. Amanda Cutler has 4 new half barrels to replace them, and others were to be scrapped as there are too many planters presently. Article to be placed in Grapevine/Seamer chit chat on adopting tubs and maintaining them in dry weather. Action Parish Clerk Feb/March 2024

4.3 Village Pond – After an informative and interesting visit by Amanda, Allison and Glenn to Labman, Allison received a response from a representative of the company with a kind offer to supply a combined unit that sits in the pond with a solar panel and pump. Labman will conduct a depth survey of the pond and asked for a position to locate it. Allison to get in touch with Labman rep, but centre northern basin was ideal location as it had the most weed. It was agreed that initially work would need to be done to clear the pond of debris and overgrown water lilies and straw bale before the new device could be installed. We will be looking for volunteers to help with this.

4.4 Grapevine – To be discussed at next meeting.

4.5 Tree Safety Audit The audit had been completed earlier this year by an Arborist and the work needed had been the subject of an agreed quotation. A qualified contractor had been appointed and the work was due to start imminently.

4.6 Seamer Hill Pedestrian/Cycle Safe Route

Noted that Labman owner was keen to support this project, in principle. It was noted that a topographic survey had been completed and paid for by the Parish Council. This would be an expensive project that would need to be designed by a highway engineer and then costed before it goes any further. Also due to the expense and the fact that NYCC would not adopt, maintenance would be a big issue going forward. Decision: This would not be a priority for the PC.

4.7 The footpath from the traveller’s site to Tame Bridge was in deteriorating and dangerous condition and needed to be reported again to NYCC Highways. Action AR

4.8 It was reported that the social housing in Leconfield was untidy, and a request was made to send a letter to the Housing Association. G. McGill would advise the Clerk of contact details.

4.9 Village Green Highway Safety/Parking Problem

No update, so scheduled for next meeting.


New Applications Received/Applications Under consideration:

As above

Applications determined:

Nothing to report

6) Police – 2 incidents were reported in the period.

The police also came to the Village Hall Pop In on September 18th. This was well attended by residents who all had the opportunity to speak to the officers and raise any concerns. Police Community Officers numbers are being reduced from c5 officers to c2. This may mean the number of visits by these officers to the Pop in per year will be reduced. Obviously a reduction in Police numbers may also have an effect on rural crime responses.

7)   Finance update


Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 19th September 2023

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