Agenda for Seamer parish council annual general meeting

CLERK: Mrs Allison Routledge. Correspondence to ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7 May 2024 You are summoned to the annual general meeting of Seamer Parish Council at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 7th May 2023 at 7pm. Yours sincerely, A Routledge (Clerk to

SEAMER PARISH COUNCIL – Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 21st November 2023

SEAMER PARISH COUNCIL CLERK: Allison Routledge Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 21st November 2023  1)  NOTICE OF MEETING Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, paragraph 10


AGENDA SEAMER PARISH COUNCIL CLERK: Mrs Allison Routledge. Correspondence to ___________________________________________________________________________________ 16 January 2024 Dear Sir or Madam You are hereby summoned to attend the bi-monthly Parish Council Meeting is to be held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday,