CLERK: Mrs G Taylor. Correspondence to 2 Leconfield, Seamer, Stokesley, Middlesbrough, TS9 5PP. Tel. 01642 711250.
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 15th September, 2015
Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, paragraph 10 (2) of the Local Government Act 1972.
Councillors P Taylor, Mrs J Bainbridge, J Bainbridge, D Forrest, W Pattison
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: District Councillor B Fortune, County Councillor B Griffiths.
Mrs G Taylor, Parish Clerk.
To confirm as a true record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th May, 2015.
No matters arising.
Labman: extension to factory and car park. No objections raised.
Holloway: land to the south of Tame Bridge, construction of an access track. No objections raised.
Low House Farm, Stainton Road: change of use – agricultural building to dwelling house. No objections raised, however, is subject to further appeal; awaiting further information from HDC.
Peacock: Stonewold, Stainton Road: construction of a new dwelling on Paddock Field (2 applications, one amended). Previous objections as noted.
a) Village Pond. For several months, the pond has been covered by weed. Suggestions were invited for a cost-effective way of removing it. A work party for 10th October has been called via ‘The Grapevine’ by Derek Winterbotham to see how much weed can be physically removed. Further discussion will be at the next meeting if the work party is unsuccessful.
b) Update on village maintenance projects. Daffodil and crocus bulbs have been ordered via the Springwell Nursery and should be available in the near future. Help required to plant these. The Chairman suggested that they be planted firstly outside the Parish Church and the Methodist Church. Further suggestions would be welcome. A date in the middle of October had been provided by a bricklayer to update the Sign Gardens.
c) Community fund application. The application from the Village Hall Committee had not been received by the Clerk, so the Chairman, at the next Village Hall meeting, would clarify whether the application was going ahead. He would also try to contact the independent Chairman of the Community Fund Committee to organise a meeting in the near future. It was pointed out that the Village Hall Committee had applied for Lottery funding for work to be done in the Supper Room.
d) Proposed change to Parish Council meetings. The Chairman noted that due to a lack of business that meetings had become less frequent. It was proposed that meetings should be bi-monthly, however, should urgent matters arise, additional meetings could be held. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED The councillors noted the correspondence.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th October, 7.30pm
Future meetings: Tuesday 17th November, 7.30pm Tuesday 15th December, 7.30pm