CLERK: Mr. G McGill. Correspondence to 4 Leconfield, Seamer, Stokesley,
Middlesbrough, TS9 5PP. Tel. 01642 710451.
Minutes of the Meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 15 March 2022
Public notice of the meeting has been given in accordance with Schedule 12, paragraph 10 (2) of the Local
Government Act 1972, but Councillors requested that the meeting take place nevertheless.
Councillor Jayne Kendall sent her apologies due to illness. Noted that County Councillor Griffiths would not be
attending Seamer PC meetings in future due to Local Government Reorganisation. John Ells from Sentient
Energy had advised he would attend, but then intimated he would not be attending.
District Councillor Bridgette Fortune, Councillors Maureen Marshall, (Acting Chair), Mark Murphy, Parish Clerk
Glenn McGill. Christine Copper and Vic Brown were in attendance as members of the public.
The minutes of the meeting held at Seamer Memorial Hall on Tuesday 15 March 2022 were confirmed as a true
It was decided to follow the agenda but take the tree planting issue first (item 5n below) to allow Vic Brown to
depart thereafter.
Planning Applications:
Ref: 22/00625/FUL – Mr. C. Bainbridge – Received 06/04/22 – Construction of two storey ,four bedroomed farm
managers dwelling with attached double garage -Seamer Grange Farm – Pending Consideration.
Ref: 22/01041/FUL- Z. Keightley-Smith – Received 28/04/22 – Construction of a 2 storey rear extension & rendering
of existing property and Re-roofing – Pheasant House Seamer – Pending Consideration/no objections.
Ref: 22/00750/MRC – Mr. S. Adams – Variation of conditions attached to Planning Consent 19/01017/REM Application for Reserved Matters (considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following outline
approval 18/01112/OUT for the construction of a dormer bungalow and formation of new vehicular access –
Hawthorns, Tame Bridge – Approved 16/05/22/ no objections.
Acting Parish Clerk, Glenn McGill will continue to refer planning consultations to Councillor Murphy so that he
might respond to the Council.. Action: Clerk/Councillor Murphy.
5a) ITEM NO. 7A – To approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 for Seamer Parish Council in the
the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22. Approved.
5b) ITEM NO. 7B – To approve the Accounting Statements 2021/22 for Seamer Parish Council in the Annual
Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22. Approved.
5c) ITEM NO. 7C – To consider the Internal Auditor’s detailed written report and agree necessary actions
arising, including sending records to PK Littlejohns. Approved. Noted however, that VAT return still had to be
completed by proper contact with HMRC to ascertain whether they would accept a munaal return not completed
using bespoke software they were insisting had to be used for the purpose.
Agreed that tHe Clerk would send off the Annual Governance form which had been duly completed and signed.
Action PC Clerk.
6n) Village Tree Planting was taken out of order as above. Vic Brown had been working with Matthew Nicholls at
Manor Farm about planting of 2.5 acres of wildflower and 7000 saplings. Tree planting had also been agreed on
Parish Councillor James bainbridges land. Other activities were the planting of 40 oaks near the kennels, off
Stainton Road and a farmer near Hutton Rudby where fruit trees were being planted. More potential is being
investigated on the Hutchinsons land and in relation to trees for the Queen’s Jubilee. Vic also reported that he had
sourced some inexpensive tree guards at £3-4 each and he thanks the Parish Council for its support, in principle,
from the Community Fund to aid his endeavours. It was further noted that Jayne Kendall had been organising
hedgerow planting on her farms landholding along highway boundaries in proximity to Seamer village.
6a) Police – Reported bad behaviour was being looked at by armed criminals and poachers. Jayne Kendall will
provide an update at the next meeting on her liaison with NY Constabulary and Cleveland Police. Action: Councillor
J Kendall.
6b) Annual Chairman’s Report: This was referred to at the meeting as copies had been given out.
6c) Appointment of Chair: This was for the new financial year. It was agreed that the post would not be filled
presently and that it would be handled at each meeting. Noted there was still a Parish Councillor vacancy which
the Clerk was content to apply for if a new parish Clerk could be appointed.
6d) Seamer Parish Council Membership: Noted that someone had made enquiries, but that advertising would
continue until the post was formally taken up on a permanent basis.
6e) Additional Forms: Noted that Councillors Bainbridge and Murphy still had to complete and return their latest
forms to the Clerk, who would send the completed package to Hambleton District Council. Action: Councillors
Bainbridge and Murphy.
6f) Financial Update and Banking Matters: Councillor Maureen Marshall advised that she had assumed
responsibility for payment of bills now that the online banking system was finally operational again.
6g) Parish Council Audit: Addressed under item 5 above.
6h) Village maintenance: Noted that work was underway again on grass cutting and community gardening. No
issues had come up to date. The Clerk still has to speak with the Community Gardener, although he had met the
handyman about the season ahead. Action Clerk.
6i) Council reorganisation: District Councillor Fortune gave an update on progress and her expanded role. It was
noted that Council Tax will need to be set shortly and this could mean increased bills, precipitated, in part, by the
‘levelling up’ agenda.
6j) Village Hall Committee: Councillor Mark Murphy reported on the Jubilee celebrations, in respect of which a
fee of £500 was agreed to be paid to Ann Thomas who was organising activities with others on the Committee,
including Christine Cooper, for the 4th June. Invoices should be kept to ensure due diligence. Other items still being
chased were the boiler and the roof and the entrance light:Action Councillor Mark Murphy.
6k) VAS Update: Noted that the mobile unit was operational, but that a tree was obscuring it in its current,
agreed position. Action: Clerk to advise NYCC Highways.
6l) Community Speedwatch: Action: Clerk to secure an update for next meeting. Action: Clerk.
6m) Community Fund: There were issues to do with the village pond management plan: Action Clerk. Also
discussed was the prospect of solar panels or heat pumps for the village hall to reduce maintenance costs if it
proved feasible. Further suggestions were a bin in Holme Lane, but maintenance would be an issue and a footpath
in Holme Lane, although usage and maintenance would be issues as NYCC Would not adopt it. On the subject of
Holme Lane, dissatisfaction was expressed with the state of pothole repairs, which the Clerk was asked to be
reported to County Highways: Action Clerk. District Councillor Bridgette Fortune advised that the contact at
Hambleton for project match funding was Lisa Wilson, with whom the Clerk will make contact. Action: Clerk.
6o) Queens Jubilee Celebrations: Addressed at item 6j above. Christine Cooper advised on the activities planned.
6p) Annual Insurance Premium: Agreed that this should be paid by the July deadline: Action Councillor Maureen
White Rose weekly updates NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin HDC regular updates
Community First rural news NYCC Chief Executive weekly bulletin YLCA advice
Green Lanes Association
Income: Hambleton District Council:£2612-50
The following expenditure was settled:
- Clerks expenses £150.
- Seamer Village Hall Use x 3 meetings £30.
- YCLA AGAR Webinar £25.
- Village Gardener £301-37.
- Village Handyman £400-00
9) FORTHCOMING MEETING DATES Next meeting is on July 19th, 2022; September 20th 2022 and
November 15th 2022.
(All meetings have a 7pm start time and will be held in Seamer Village Hall)