Seamer Parish Council update

The July meeting of the Parish Council was held at Seamer Memorial Hall. Two members of the public were in attendance. The following matters were reported: Planning applications were approved at Seamer Grange Farm (managers dwelling) Snowdrop Cottage & Pheasant House in Seamer (extensions). A further application had been made at Tanton Road to use an existing farm building to house animals (chiefly pigs) – previously refused. The Police did not attend the meeting, but 6 crimes were reported in addition to a further discussion about the problem of violent crime from dangerous poachers affecting the farming community, which remains a serious problem for those affected. There remains a vacancy for a Parish Councillor and for the Parish Clerk role. Financial and banking matters, as well as payments were all discussed and balances reported, including proposals that may be funded by the Community Fund, such as the forthcoming ‘magic night’. No-one had turned up to address the meeting regarding the previously discussed private road widening issue at Bank Top. A letter had been sent to residents of The Green, who continued to park there after being advised they should not because of the serious highway safety risk. This will be monitored however until it is suitably resolved. Village maintenance issues were discussed and resolved as far as practicably possible in several locations, whilst others will be dealt with in due course. In addition, Steve Burton (village gardener) kindly attended the meeting and appraised the meeting of his role and issues arising especially with maintenance of tubs and planters. An update was provided on Local Government reorganisation; there was an update on the Village Hall Committee and on issues like tree planting, Speedwatch and the portable illuminated speed signed shared with two other parish Councils known as ‘VAS’. Website issues and associated communication were being dealt with to address some reported problems.

Minutes of this meeting (and agendas prior to meetings) are displayed on the noticeboards and on the website.  An update from the September Parish Council meeting will appear in the next Grapevine once ratified following the next Parish Council meeting. The Parish Council meeting on Tuesday September 20th will take place at the Village Hall, commencing at 7pm and will include the AGM.  

Residents can access information about Parish Council and Community Fund matters in the following ways:

  1. Attendance at the bimonthly Parish Council meetings, details of which are publicised in various locations: e.g., Parish Council noticeboards, website.
  2. The Grapevine, where articles are regularly published.
  3. Parish Council minutes: these are displayed on noticeboards and on the website.
  4. Residents can contact the Parish Council via email or telephone to discuss any matters that are of concern to them.

All matters concerned with the Community Fund are discussed as an agenda item at Parish Council meetings and a form is available for applications to be made. Any residents who attend form part of the discussion and all viewpoints are taken into consideration when making a final decision.

Maureen Marshall, Acting Chair of the Parish Council

Email: (Acting Parish Clerk)

Seamer Parish Council encompasses Seamer and Tame Bridge.

July 2022