Christmas and New year are over and its back to the grind for most of us! I hope you had a great time but it doesn’t have to end. There are plenty of activities going on within the village, including a new Pilates Class, so why not make a real effort and join in the fun. I have just come back from the Burns Supper held in the village Hall and all those who attended seem to have had a great time. If you would like to start a new activity then contact any member of the Village Hall committee with your thoughts and it will be discussed at the next monthly meeting.
Read on to find out what is already in place!!
Dave Campy
Eucharist will be 11.15 a.m. on Sundays:
1st and 15th February
1st, 15th and 29th March
A big Thank you!
The last four weeks have passed faster than a blink of an eye! Christmas now seems like a distant memory, particularly as we start to slowly gain more daylight hours and (in spite of snow) we have a hint of spring with snowdrops starting to peep their heads through the soil. It seems, therefore, a long time since the Christmas Tree Festival at St Martin’s. We had a brilliant weekend with over 20 trees of all shapes and sizes displayed in church, hand bell-ringing, taster sessions, refreshments, children’s crafts and celebratory carol service on the Saturday evening. We raised over £250 for Butterwick House Children’s Hospital.
I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those who worked so hard to make the festival possible, particularly those who donated trees but also those who gave their time over the busy pre-Christmas weekend to help out or to look around. Thank you so much to you all! It was lovely to see both new and familiar faces from the village and I look forward to meeting more of you over the coming months.
With prayers for a happy and healthy 2015 for you all,
Sarah (Curate, St Peter and St Paul’s Stokesley with St Martin’s Seamer)
The following are details of two events to be held by St Peter & St Paul’s, Stokesley:
On the 17th February a “Pancake Meal” will take place at the Jet Miners in Great Broughton. There is limited availability for this event. Tickets are on a first come first served basis. For further details contact Marie Groom on 01642 712138.
A Curry Evening has been arranged for 11th April in the Town Hall, Stokesley. There is limited availability for this event. Tickets are on a first come first served basis. For further details contact Marie Groom on 01642 712138
Marie Groom
Village Hall maintenance and future projects.
In the last two months there has been some extensive maintenance in the Village Hall. The obsolete chimney had to be removed because it was in a dangerous condition and leaking. Part of the Boundary wall needed to be rebuilt as part of the brickwork in one of the pillars was loose and again in a dangerous condition. The Emergency door has been replaced with a glazed Disabled door, with the outside path lowered and made suitable for wheelchair use. Access is now possible from the outside making the Supper room available for Meetings and small Groups, leaving the main Hall free for other activities as needed. The Right of Way is more likely than ever to be a problem as it is only held back by wooden boarding, leaving the soil loose; it is intended to confirm permission to build a brick retaining wall.
It is also intended to upgrade the Supper room by lowering the ceiling, and putting in lighting to a level suitable for Craftwork, etc.. At present the room does not have any Electric Sockets; in the upgrade we intend to have enough to make it available for Computer Courses with the possibility of 12 work stations. A Serving Hatch and Stable door arrangement will make it easier to Cater for the larger Events we stage. The rest of the floor will have to be replaced, beyond the area that was repaired last year, as this is now also showing signs of damage. The Boiler will be boxed in, with access doors, and new floor covering to help make it a multi-purpose attractive room. Obviously this is going to cost quite a bit of money. We will be applying for Grants, but you can do your bit by supporting the Various Groups and Events and joining the ‘Hundred Club’ (see details of this later).
Art Group (Mondays 1-30 to 3-30)
Monday’s Art Group continues to thrive in our warm airy Village Hall. A new venture will be pictures for sale from some of the Artists in the Group on a regular basis. if you fancy having a pleasant afternoon with like minded people you will be very welcome. There is no tutor, but the wealth of talent in the Group means if you are stuck you can always find someone who can help.
Seamer Garden Club is taking on a new lease of life, as you can see from our new name.
Why not come and join us for Gardening hints, demonstrations, quizzes and adventures! (2015 Programme below)
We meet every 2nd Tuesday in the month in Seamer Village Hall at 7pm. The cost is £2.50 which includes a glass of wine.
Come and raise plants, seeds and a glass with us.
Look forward to seeing you.
Events Diary 2015
January 13th Meal at ‘Uno Momento’.
February 10th Valentine flower arrangement & Quiz.
March 10th Gardening Hints and tips.
April 18th (Saturday) Day trip to ‘ Poets Corner’, Lealholm,
on the train.
May 12th Open Meeting, Hanging Basket demonstration.
June Visit to ‘Breezy Knees’. Hopefully we will have secured the Community Care bus for a FRIDAY.
July 14th Open Meeting, Lavender, Pomander and Corn
Dolly mice making, non members will need to book. tel:-01642710606
August No meeting
September 8th Plants for free! Bring any spare plants, seeds,
cuttings or even ‘That Plant’ that you don’t like. Might be just what someone else is looking for.
Full details of Classes in your next Grapevine.
October 13th Open Meeting, ideas and how to create a Winter Planter.
November 14th Members annual lunch out with a pilgrimage around the local Garden Centres to see who has the best Christmas display.
December 8th Winter flower Arrangement. Plans for next year’s Programme, and a pooled Supper.
If you haven’t a Garden why not join us and help with bulb planting and the Village Hall Garden?
Will ye no come back again?
That’s what we were asked time and time again on Sunday Burns Night Celebration. It was a great night with 55 people attending, all in the mood for a great night out. Some of the Highland dress might have frightened true Scots. You will be able to see some pictures on the Website (www.seamervillage.co.uk or just ‘Google’ Seamer Village Hall).
Future Events
‘Pizza and Pop’ Games night is the next special night on March 21st. After 8 different games who will be Village Champion? (See advert for details).
In April we will be having ‘Marske Fisherman’s Choir and a Fish and Chip Supper. Full details in the next Grapevine.
When we asked you for ideas of what you would like in the Hall several people mentioned Badminton, Broadacres have given us money towards setting up a Court. If you are interested would you please let Jo Batey know on 01642 713143.
A New regular event is Pilates for Beginners, which starts on Tuesday 3rd February from 6-7 pm. See later for more details.
Margaret Smith (Chairwoman of the Village Hall Committee)
We are continuing to attract new members to our club. Our aim is to have 100 or more members from within the parish – Seamer village, Tame Bridge, Seamer Hill and Coldpool – or anyone else who uses the hall for activities, so that we can fund more projects to help the hall become even more of a community asset.
How it works
You pay £1 per month/£12 per year and receive one number which will be entered into each of the monthly prize draws. Half of the money raised will go to the village hall funds and the remainder will be divided into 3 or 4 prizes. i.e.
£100 raised = £50 for the village hall and four prizes of £20, £15, £10 and £5.
Payment can be made by cheque, cash, standing order or online banking.
The monthly draw takes place at the Pop-in at the village hall on the last Monday of the month and the winning names will be published in the following copy of the Grapevine.
December winners were: (66 members)
1st £18 No. 22 Christine Prendergast Holme Lane
2nd £10 No. 11 Janet Aldridge Seamer Hill
3rd £ 5 No. 30 Irene Thompson Hilton Road
January winners were: (78 members)
1st £24 No. 29 Ann Thomas The Green
2nd £10 No. 71 Mike Walton Stainton Road
3rd £ 5 No. 60 Claudia Miller The Green
You can join at anytime and if you wish to do so, please contact:
Christine Cooper on 01642 710294 or e-mail: chris_cooper1@hotmail.com with your details I look forward to hearing from you.
Christine Cooper
With Rachel Chapman Tuesday nights 6-7pm
Everyone welcome, it is a complete beginners class; please wear clothes that you can move freely in.
I have a lot of mats but if your have your own you can use yours if you prefer.
I am a certified Pilates instructor with the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI) and I am also a graduate Sports Therapist.
If you would like anymore information about the classes or have an injury you would like to talk to me about please contact me
on 07946 324080 or rachelchapman91@outlook.com
Cost is £4 per class and if you attend 9 your 10th is free
Rachel Chapman
Carol Singing
A very big thank you goes to all who generously donated towards the total of £586. This does not include the number of sweets, mince pies etc. given and consumed during the evenings! The warming soup and other refreshments at the
end of the evening were more than welcome.
We were delighted by the number of people who joined us this year and trust that they enjoyed the experience. Put a note in your diary for this December and make a belated New Year’s resolution to join us!
Can Any Good Come From Evil?
We have rightly been shocked by the devastating events in Paris and then in Belgium. This country has, at the time of writing, been put on an exceedingly high risk of terrorism. The killing of the journalists at the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo (equivalent, I suppose to our Private Eye) in cold blood, followed by more people being killed simply because they were Jewish, appears to demonstrate just how evil thoughts can turn into the most evil of deeds. And this is in the name of Religion. No religion should, in my very humble opinion, be above criticism.
As Christians we have had times in our history when we have been extremist and have committed unforgivable acts (for example – the Inquisition) but, thankfully have, through such historical events as the Reformation, moved to a more conciliatory way.
The Muslim world is, I suggest, facing issues that the Christian world faced hundreds of years ago. We are constantly told that Allah is merciful and compassionate, yet our TV’s and Newspapers are filled with horrific acts of violence not worthy of any God. My prayer is that mainstream Muslims are able to regain control of their faith.
I am reminded of a quote by Edmund Burke who said ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing’.
There is another issue too. We all need to rediscover respect for each other no matter what our race or creed may be. Comments in the media and in public places, and even among ourselves, can sometimes be cruel and inaccurate and sometimes inflammatory. The cartoons by Charlie Hebdo appear to me to be fairly innocuous but it is so easy to cross the border of respect.
Let’s all hope and pray that some good may come out of this evil that we have seen.
Farewell To Revd Graham Peacock
This Month we sadly say farewell to Revd Graham Peacock as he ceases to be our Minister and he takes up a new position as a Chaplain. Graham has become very well known in the community and we at the Methodist Church wish to thank him most sincerely for his commitment to Seamer.
We wish him every good wish for the future. On the morning of February 8th, the worship at 10.30am will be our opportunity to say thank you to him. On that same day at 5pm at Hutton Rudby Methodist Church there will be a service of thanksgiving for the time that Graham has been a Minister in the Circuit.
Everyone is very welcome to either or both of these Services.
Times Of Worship
Feb 1st @ 10.30am led by Doreen Hunt
Feb 8th @ 10.30am led by Rev Graham Peacock
This will be Graham’s last service with us before he commences his new job
Feb 15th @ 10.30am led by Christine Campy
Feb 22nd @ 10.30am – led by Elaine Wilson.
Mar 1st @ 10.30am – awaiting details
Mar 8th @ 10.30am – awaiting details
Mar 15th @ 10.30am Mothering Sunday Service
Mar 22nd @ 10 30am – awaiting details
Mar 29th @ 10.30am – awaiting details
Time For a Smile
Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
Thought For The Month
Bless all our conversations, Lord
The fun ones,
The difficult ones,
The painful ones,
The ones where we talk about others.
Wherever we are, whoever we talk to,
May our words be kind and true and helpful.
Ron Kirk
Saturday 11th April 2015 at 2.00 pm
It’s that time again, when I ask everyone to PLEASE bring all their unwanted items for our jumble sale (bric-a-brac, clothes, small pieces of furniture, etc.). Almost anything welcome (except analogue TV’s) please.
Donations can be left at the Village Hall from the 28th March during the times the Hall is being used (see earlier Hall timetable for times), or if you ring me (Jo Batey) and leave your number (if no reply). I will ring
you back and sort out suitable arrangements. This will be our 5th year of holding the event and I want to try and beat our record!!
Jo Batey 713143
Boss: You are 20 minutes late again! Don’t you know what time we start work in this office.
Employee: No! Everyone else is working by the time I arrive!
Man: Why does a woman say she’s been shopping when she hasn’t bought a thing?
Woman: Why does a man say he’s been fishing when he hasn’t caught a thing?
Question: What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer?
Answer: A brick layer
(all numbers have 01642 in front of them)
Magazine Layout and Editor
David Campy, 5A Holme Lane, Seamer
E-Mail: david.campy123@btinternet.com 710320
Margaret Smith, 4 Bracken Hill Walk, Seamer 710611
Derek Winterbotham, Kingsbridge, Hilton Rd. Seamer 711617
St Martin’s
Rev Paul Hutchinson, The Rectory, Stokesley 710405
Rev Sarah Strand revsarahstrand@outlook.com 810690
Methodist Church
Ron Kirk, 2 Rosehill, Great Ayton 722053
Seamer Village Hall
Bookings: Christine Campy (david.campy123@btinternet.com) 710320
General : Margaret Smith 710611
Village News
Margaret Smith 710611
Seamer Parish Council
E-Mail: scapa20@hotmail.com
Seamer Correspondent for Darlington and Stockton Times
Christine Cooper 710294
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